
We have big things in store for our organization. Join us on the next phase of our journey.
We have big things in store for our organization. Join us on the next phase of our journey.
At OrphanWise, we believe healing is possible — some children just need special care to overcome and thrive. Our mission is to bring hope and healing to children from hard places by equipping their caregivers with trauma-informed resources.
Since its inception in 2019, OrphanWise has partnered with the local community to care for children through trauma-informed training, coaching, and support groups. By providing these services, we pursue hope and healing for each child, family, and organization.
OrphanWise trains adoptive and foster parents, biological families seeking reunification, children’s home staff, teachers, social workers, churches, after-school program staff, and law enforcement officers. We’ve worked with hundreds of caregivers and impacted tens of thousands of children both in the United States and beyond our borders.
In partnership with organizations both in the United States and Latin America, our vision is to equip adoptive and foster parents, children’s homes staff, teachers, professionals, and churches to work with at-risk and traumatized children in a way that promotes healing and wholeness.
Through workshops, coaching sessions, and resource development, we train and support the adults who love and work with at-risk or traumatized children. Our evidence-based approach provides caregivers a foundational understanding of trauma. Through our training, caregivers learn to recognize the “why” behind negative behavioral tendencies before they become severe, as well as how to correct and heal behaviors upstream.
Our trainings teach caregivers how to identify the effects of trauma on behavior, and provide practical strategies to address it.
We facilitate affordable coaching sessions tailored to meet your family’s individual needs.
Whether you choose to sponsor an individual family or an entire training, your gift helps us get tools and resources to the caregivers who need them the most.
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